Sunday, April 8, 2012

Under Construction

"We may grow older, but those doors we always think are closing in front of us aren't really closing at all. As long as we stay fit and active and keep growing and learning, new doors - financial, social, bedroom, you name it - will keep opening before us. But kicking those doors open means continuing to improve in all areas of life; whether you're 25 or 65, resting on your laurels is a recipe for disaster." - Dave Zinczenko

I learned what "upstage" means, literally, this week during Hairspray rehearsal. It's the portion of the stage in theater that is toward the rear. "Downstage" actors are standing nearest to you, the audience. So it makes sense why the idea of "upstaging" someone - pushing them into the background - would've found its way into common conversation over time.

Yet another nugget that's made life a shade more interesting, thanks to a willingness to step out and try something new.

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