Friday, June 15, 2012

Another Acting Gig: The Raventhorne Chronicles

I'm excited to report that I have my second professional acting job, and first that's purely voice-over work.

I will play the part of Dr. Thomas Raventhorne in an internet radio based drama (think soap opera) called "The Raventhorne Chronicles" staged by a local company called Pathways Productions. Beyond that, well, I signed a legally-binding confidentiality agreement so... tune in around August 3 for the season's first episode!

Yesterday we had our first cast orientation (there are about 20 or so cast members), so I got to meet my "wife" and two of my "children." Still have yet to meet my "mom."

Mom was a big Days of Our Lives fan (and therefore, so was I) when I was little. Hopefully I can be nearly as good a doctor as Dr. Tom Horton from that show. Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives...

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