Sunday, September 30, 2012

Feeling Cold, Feeling Good: The Week In Thanks

I woke up on Wednesday with a slightly burning throat, that all-too-familiar signal of war shaping up between germs and my immune system. After dealing with about four straight phlegmy weeks last May, I broke out the heavy artillery right off the bat. Citrus fruit, vitamin C supplements, 12-hour Sudafed, Zicam, lots of water. All of these remedies are within short walking distance of my bed. If they run out, I can replenish them in fifteen minutes by driving a half-mile to the store.

When you're used to being healthy, you can get down about being sick. But just thinking about the progress of medicine, the era and nation in which I happened to be born, all of which practically guarantees that I'll be well soon, unlike literally billions of people who might die and have died from it, is enough to draw a smile.

It sure helps too that I work for a large company that values the health of its employees and allows paid sick days, pays me enough to be able to afford medicine, and provides me with a team that's capable of getting the job done while I'm in bed for two straight mornings.

It's been a while since I riffed the little things that make my life better.

Like the cell phone that lets me trade a couple messages with my co-workers to let them know where I'm at during those sick days.

My laptop, and Netflix, that gave me something to relax and entertain my mind while laying around in a stupor.

The fresh air of a clear fall season, and Dena's scented candles, that kept the atmosphere from getting stale.

The humor of Jack and my other Facebook friends.

The good fortune of the timing of the sickness, just after my last tutoring appointment of the week, so that I don't risk spreading it to the students.

The dishwasher and washing machine that have disinfected my possessions.

And most of all, for a body vigorous enough to win the fight.

It's been fun this week to trade silly baseball trivia questions with Jack, and to reminisce about some of our youthful days.

Despite the few days off, I've been maxing out on my weight exercises and ticked off a 3-mile run comfortably above 150 beats per minute.

I had a dramatic last-minute fantasy football victory this week, overcoming a 20+ point deficit to steal it.

The opportunity to join the staff of Learning for Tomorrow dissolved when they were able to find a full-time replacement, which probably turned out to be best for both of us considering how bad my body was feeling on Thursday night.

Alabama is undefeated!

Our Life Teen band at Epiphany continues to be energizing for me, and it has mostly to do with our leaders Jennifer and Sean Stevens. They have a ton of challenges going on that I don't... pregnant Jennifer has (and has used) a bucket nearby to soldier on through morning sickness. Sean's changing jobs and working odd hours of physically demanding labor. And they manage the stresses of performance and leadership without complaint. Their example has been a blessing to us all.

I received some praise this week at the office for a meeting that went well. Despite the challenges of hiring and turnover, these last few months have been productive and God has provided enough affirmation through the encouraging words of others to keep me pointed in the right direction.

The crown jewel of the week was Dena's graduation from her presidency of Kiwanis. These last 12 months have been filled with administrative duties and I know that she's glad to be relieved of them after admirably fulfilling her responsibilities. It's so clear that the freedom to turn her mind to other ambitions has been a weight lifted from her shoulders, and there's a touch more spring in her step. We had a leisurely date on Friday night, and spent some time walking and sitting beneath the stars last night dreaming about the future.

Germs or not, the week ahead is looking lively!

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