Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring Break: The Week In Thanks

Welcome to spring! Bathed in its glorious halo of low, gray clouds, inches of snow, swirling winds, 30 degree temperatures, 5-inch snow fall predictions, and

A time of renewal!

Three more months of increasing daylight and temperatures (really). That promise makes it easy to coast through the inconvenience of temporary squalls.

This week's thankfulness riff includes:
That March Madness can be streamed through the Web.

For whoever invented the electric blanket.

For modern dentistry and dental insurance, when it comes time to fortify six more teeth (just laid out a two-year plan, yes I am a details guy).

For Leann Fujimoto who's referred two wonderful new tutoring students to me. And to Hannah Esker for matching me up with a contact from the ISU athletic tutoring center.

For the chance to play Doug Panch in the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.

For the upbeat spirit that's buoyed my team at work during this last week.

For Netflix.

For the ability to change cell phone plans at any time through Verizon.

For the opportunity to election judge (and to vote - April 9, locals!).

For the Four Seasons health club, salvation of my physical health during winter months.

For Wal-Mart's ultra-affordable convenience of nutrient-rich almonds for snacking.

For State Farm's generous employment benefits.

For spring breaks.

For my fantasy baseball commissioners - Scott, Jack and Kate.

That my mom and condo association have pretty simple tax returns.

The spirit of renewal leads me to review my new year's resolutions and take a fresh dive back in. The ones about expenses and game film need more attention. The tutoring one is on the rise as I've found myself booked for ten hours some weeks. And the creativity and sound track of the Spelling Bee experience will fill these final chilly weeks with an easy energy until the sun conquers the skies again.

To spend those weeks at Dena's side, 15 years after our wedding day, will make it all the more worthwhile.

May whoever is special in your life make your smile a little wider this week!

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