Friday, June 6, 2014

Thanks, Mom

Dear Mom,

Thanks for giving me swimming lessons. I probably enjoyed them at least a little bit since I was like 9 years old at first, swimming with the toddlers until I graduated from level 1 (Minnow) of the program (which took 1 day). By the end of the summer I was all the way up to the highest level of Dolphin.

You probably signed me up for the lessons so that you could afford to go indoors once in a while and leave us out in the 12-foot pool with some assurance that I wouldn't be floating lifeless on the surface in less time than it took you to have a bathroom break.

Recently I've had some aches and pains associated with a four-decade body that have made it a good idea to stay off my feet. Me being me, that doesn't translate to quitting cardio exercise. So what to do? I decided to hop into the pool at the health club during lap-swim hours this afternoon.

My first thought was "Wow this indoor pool is muggy, guess I won't have to worry about being cold in the water." Followed shortly by "Whoa, this water is cold!" But within three minutes I was glad it was so cool.

The strokes came back easily. The proper way to breathe to keep afloat. Simple frog-kicks on my back to glide along the surface. Smooth backstrokes with my arm brushing against my ear and cutting into the water. The rhythm of the sidestroke, including the timing of the scissor kick. The fluidity of the arms in the breast stroke.

The 30 minutes passed by without incident. I was able to get my heart rate up into the range of the stationary bike, while engaging many upper body muscles that have been untapped for a while (and will hurt in a good way tomorrow, I suspect). With my ears often below water and gaze toward the ceiling, there was a peaceful, almost meditative quality to it also.

Simply put, swimming will keep me in shape when other methods were on the ropes. My lower body got a workout without taxing the weary joints.

Love ya!


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