Sunday, April 12, 2015

Facts On Sleep

According to the National Sleep Foundation, everybody needs at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep. One third of Americans regularly get less. Some polls show that nearly three-quarters of the adult population is not getting enough sleep.

Drowsy driving is estimated to cause 1,500 fatalities per year according to the National Transportation Safety Bureau.

A study done at Henry Ford Hospital in 2003 concluded that losing two hours of sleep a night - for example from eight to six hours of sleep - had an effect on performance equivalent to drinking two beers.

Johnson & Johnson has instructed its employees not to send e-mails on weekends. In other words, once you leave the office, you're off.

MRI scans show a marked difference in brain activity after a good versus short night's sleep.

"Presenteeism," where employees show up to work but are too tired to concentrate and end up surfing the Web, among other things, is estimated to account for $63 billion in lost U.S. productivity per year.

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