Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Beatles and the Rutles

I am a Beatles fan.

Not one of those super fans, who has every one of their songs and could write a biography from memory about John, Paul, George, Ringo, their families, manager, hairstylists, or next door neighbors.

Not one of those die-hard fans who can sing along to most songs, has watched one of their movies, and is competitive in any form of Beatles trivia contests.

I'm a special-niche Beatles fan. I love their look and their songs starting from their first year together in public, circa 1963 or something, and ending when they traded black suits for tie dye shirts, and shifted from love songs more toward strawberries and submarines.

Because I'm also into satire comedy in a big way, the English movie "The Rutles: All You Need is Cash" is a hit for me.

Enjoy a listen to the Fab Four:

Their counterparts, the Pre-Fab Four:

Talk to me!

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