Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Early Morning Fuel For The Mind

"Be renewed in the spirit of your mind." - Ephesians 4:23

Yesterday was a day at work that rated a "meh" on the satisfaction scale. I think it was because I walked in the door without a clear idea of what I wanted to accomplish. And as they say, you'll never reach a goal until you set one.

I read an article yesterday that talked about the subliminal ability of money, or even the idea of money, to fuel a person to accomplish more. The overall point of the article was to point out that money can be like a drug in its influence over us... but a healthier lesson from these case studies may be that if something excites your vision of the future, it can drive you beyond your normal energy.

So it is that today going to shoot to wrap up two particular tasks - employee evaluations and next year's project plan. Let's see if it works. What about you?

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