Sunday, August 25, 2013

Some Body: The Week In Thanks

During church this morning it was easy to lead off the thank-you list for this week:

For parents who eventually corral their shrieking and dancing children, and for kids who just naturally behave.

The first week of tutoring in the lab at Heartland Community College was a graceful one. I gave a handful of commercials for the lab in different classrooms around campus, and on the second of my two weekly days I got to tutor my first walk-in students. The blessing was that both were actually fairly solid at math, and well-prepared to ask their questions; one had even hand-written a long list of math problems that she'd copied from her online course. I'm ready for a diverse range of students over the course of the semester, but this was a good easing in.

One of the HCC teachers whose classroom I presented in was absolutely enthusiastic, ought to be hired as a full-time promoter of the tutoring services. "Learn his name, learn his phone number, go see him. Repeat after me: It's free!" I was also fortunate to be in the lab with an experienced tutor. The college has national accreditation for its tutoring program, so I am learning a lot about the skill (an art, to be sure) of helping students become independent learners. I was able to watch him in action with students, one of whom was so originally frustrated that he stormed out of the lab. An hour later he came back, having had time to cool down, and had a successful session. It was impressive to watch him in action.

I've become an increasing fan of naps, especially mid-afternoon power naps. After a morning spent reading, working out, stretching and eventually lunching, I've found that popping on some SNL on Netflix and dozing off a while gives my body time to digest and prep for a productive evening. So thank you Mexico for sharing your siesta with the world.

Speaking of digestion, I read an article about the many millions (even billions) of moving parts that comprise this miraculous body of ours. Kidneys about the size of a computer mouse that regulate the flow of liquids through our body. Stomach filled with hydrochloric acid that steadily replaces its own lining to adjust. Our natural swallowing reflex that prevents food and drink from slipping down into our lungs or up into our nasal cavity. And skin that regulates heat for all occasions.

I was lucky to grow up rooting for the Chicago Bulls just as Michael Jordan joined the team. The best player in basketball history just happened to play during my formative years and for my favorite team. I tell people that those six championships have satisfied my lifetime hunger. I can still die a happy man if the Cubs never win the Series while I'm on the planet.

Funny people, and laughter in general, are such a gift. Isn't it possible that we'd live in a world where everything was serious? But it's not. We can look easily nearby and find humor that gives our system a good workout. Authors, comedians, mimes, mascots... God love 'em all.

I've been having lunch with several of my State Farm friends during the last few weeks. And tonight we meet a new group of acquaintances from Eastview church at State Farm Park for a Sunday picnic.

We still have a third of summer left! Minimal wardrobe needs, breezy drives with the windows down. Lots of sunshine, little rain. Good times worth savoring while they last.

God gave me a head for figures and for Excel spreadsheets, both of which are coming in handy to analyze NCHS basketball stats this week. Everyone wins.

Finally, as I've honored through a couple of posts this week, we Americans all have our soldiers to thank for the blanket of protection and freedom that they provide, many under circumstances we'll never have to face due to their courage.

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