Saturday, August 9, 2014

Movie Review: Into The Storm

From the summary, Into the Storm looks a lot like the decades-old favorite Twister. A group of storm-chasers track a historic tornado system, with funnels of increasingly awe-inspiring size. People cower in crevices. Power lines fall, buildings explode, vehicles are effortlessly tossed around. Love interests bloom amid the debris.

But I actually liked this better than Twister (which I liked enough to buy).

There is no annoying, shrieking fiancee.

The heroes come much closer to death, and are saved in more imaginative fashion.

Wherever relationship tension exists, it arose from parent-child coming of age and the loss of a spouse, instead of the divorce of one.

Plus the tornadoes are bigger, and more of them.

There's also a special almost slapstick-comic running joke through it involving two rednecks in a truck.

I'm glad we went. You'd be too.

1 comment:

dyoung said...

I want to see it! But don't want too at the same time. Thanks for the review. I may wait till I get my firstborn Nebraska.....
Oh the irony