Friday, September 21, 2007

Practice Makes... Even Better Practice!

From Tice:

Scientists have discovered that the better you get at doing something difficult, the less brainpower it takes. In other words, "use it or lose it" applies to the brain as well as muscles.

That means that when I read tax law, at times with great suffering, there's a certain momentum that builds the longer I do it.

So, from McDonald:

1. Never give up! It will get better. And don't get intimidated by people around you who are "smarter." It's easy to confuse experience for intelligence. When you gain the experience of others by sticking with it, you'll gain greatly upon or even surpass those who are "smarter" for now.
2. Don't let your brain atrophy on the weekend. Do a crossword puzzle, play an instrument, or do something else involving brain work and fun. Those Monday morning tasks will be easier still.

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