Saturday, November 19, 2011

Plus, It's Much Faster Than Painting A Picture

This week's wisdom: A phone call's worth a thousand e-mails.

I wrote this note to a co-worker this week:

"Quit copying what Ed does. Be original."

Rude, yeah?

Actually not. It was the particular way that my co-worker and I joke with each other. Each of my co-workers has a different sense of humor. Some like to mock argue. Some like to be silly. Some are more intellectual. Some are sarcastic. Mostly, it doesn't matter what we might e-mail each other. We can be blunt. We talk often. Care about each other's best interests. We trust each other.

With strangers though, or even arms-length co-workers, writing e-mail can require a great deal of sensitivity. I might even call it an art. Especially if there is disagreement or confusion in the mix.

Ever have one of those e-conversations trying to make a decision, and more & more people are eventually brought in until the "To:" and "Cc:" lines dwarf the signatures on the Declaration of Independence?

Often, it's faster and sunnier to just have a call or a meeting. High and low emotional moments can build and ebb, leading to a safe and productive resolution.

And with the time saved, you can paint a picture and save another 1,000 words.

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