Saturday, January 3, 2015

Happy Old Year: The Week Ago In Thanks

Technically this is my final 2014 thankfulness post, a little late but still deserved!

I got a big bag of trail mix as one of my Christmas gifts. So first, I'm thankful for the invention of trail mix. It's mostly healthy except for the occasional chocolate candy, a tidy on-the-go snack. And I'm glad that the gift came from Dena's 6-and-a-half-foot brother Darren. What was likely a between-workout snack for him lasted me three full days.

Christmas went smoothly. Clear weather, successfully early shopping and wrapping, got the best gifts from my list. Besides munching on trail mix I'll also be frequenting Olive Garden, sharpening pencils electrically, and enjoying Reader's Digest, among other things.

Dena and I went to see Raiders of the Lost Ark at the historic Normal Theater. I'm lucky not only to have a wife who likes to see action movies, but also for such an interesting theater to attend. Cheap tickets, all-volunteer staff, run by the Town. Have to give props to God for creating Steven Spielberg too, as well as M. Night Shyamalan, my two favorite movie directors. And for Harrison Ford.

We're in a recent habit of Jack flying to New Jersey for Christmas Day, then coming to Illinois the following week. Gratitude here comes from (1) having an in-law family so close to home that Christmas Day is simple, (2) having a mom that's cool with celebrating Christmas whenever, (3) Jack's timing allowing me to have a full, separate day to spend Christmas up north with the family. It wouldn't be the same if we couldn't all be together, or had to drive from one family to another on the same day. Although I did head down the following day for...

... The NCHS boys basketball championship win in the State Farm Classic tournament. It was a thrilling game with a last-shot climax. The team's 11-0, unlike any year I've been involved.

Dena set some goals for the new year. So many people shrug off the idea of goals, either because they're not goal-oriented or they've given up on reaching them. So I'm feeling like I'm in a happy minority and very fortunate.

Random object shout-out: Skylights. Specifically the one in the ceiling of the church. When I'm at Mass singing, looking up at that skylight - a source of brightness even on cloudy days - reminds me of the beauty in the world and the many reasons I have to be joyful every day. It's like a battery charger in a way.

I'm also thankful for cruise control. The older and creakier I get, the more I appreciate being able to let my legs chillax while coasting toward Bloomingdale. Or occasionally from stoplight to stoplight in town.

Lastly, thanks for the continued growth of Cupcake. Although she's pretty much fully grown, she's getting bolder in her play, doing a little less fleeing and a little more sparring. It reminds me what a loving household we have that she's so comfortable being close to us like this, whether in play or just flopping down on our chest in the morning as we wake up to a new day.

Signing off from 2014 thankfulness posts, my most successful year with them so far. Catch you on the flip side!

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