Sunday, June 5, 2011

He Madoff With His Money

"Don't be angry. Be very disappointed in Bernie. Hurt? You can feel that personally. But don't get angry. Because if you get angry, you will eat up your own insides." - Fred Wilpon

This from a man who, after 30 years of relationship with a man so close he felt like family, learned that Bernie Madoff had bilked him of $550 million. And after investing so confidently in Madoff for so long, jilted other investors had filed suit against him as a perpetrator in the fraud - for another $1 billion.

"Don't get angry," he says.

I e-mailed a question to someone this week, who responded in a trite and incomplete answer, leaving me in the lurch. Irritating yes... devastating no. That is, non-devastating as long as I step away for a deep breath. Or about ten minutes of deep breaths. As a result, the follow-up e-mail was focused rather than emotional, and resulted in a healthy conclusion after a little more conversation.

Squalls are harmless, as long as we refrain from chasing them.

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