Saturday, January 5, 2013

Famous Faces With And Without Facial Hair

1. Kip from "Napoleon Dynamite"

Kip from "Napoleon Dynamite"
From Kip to hip.

2. Jerry Garcia

Jerry Garcia
From Jerry to a young lady that goes a little too far every 4th of July.

3. The Most Interesting Man in the World

The Most Interesting Man in the World
From the Most Interest Man in the World to the least interesting used car salesman in the world.
Source:  /  via:

4. Brian Wilson

Brian Wilson
From Brian Wilson to Jersey Shore reject.
Source:  /  via:

5. Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris
From Chuck Norris to vacation Bible school teacher...which he probably is.
Source:  /  via:

6. Zach Galafianakis

Zach Galafianakis
From Zach Galafianakis to dapper young gentleman.
Source:  /  via:

7. Rick Ross

Rick Ross
From Fat Albert to Rick Ross.

8. Fidel Castro

Fidel Castro
From Fidel Castro to that guy in class that would always remind that teacher that you had homework due that day.

9. Channing Tatum

Channing Tatum
From The Tates to creepy old man who hangs out as gas stations.

10. Freddie Mercury

Freddie Mercury
From Freddie Mercury to a slightly less imposing Freddie Mercury.

11. Sam Elliot

Sam Elliot
From Sam Elliot to businessman.

12. Nick Offerman

Nick Offerman
From Ron Swanson to someone who DEFINITELY wouldn't be named Ron.

13. Brett Keisel

Brett Keisel
From a dwarf from Middle Earth to Brett Keisel.

14. Michael Cera

Michael Cera
From Michael Cera to every guy who tried to grow a mustache in eighth grade.

15. James Lipton

James Lipton
From James Lipton to confused old man.

16. Luciano Pavarotti

Luciano Pavarotti
From Luciano to LuciaNOOOOOO.

17. Weird Al

Weird Al
From Weird Al to David Tennent...or Steve Malkmus.

18. Che Guevara

Che Guevara
From Che Guevara to Goodfellas extra.

19. George Lucas

George Lucas
From George Lucas to Little League hockey coach.

20. Hulk Hogan

Hulk Hogan
From Hulk Hogan to a slightly douchier version of Hulk Hogan.

21. Burt Reynolds

Burt Reynolds
From Burt Reynolds, international sex symbol, to Burt Reynolds, international sex symbol.
Source:  /  via:

22. Louis CK

Louis CK
From Louis CK to Muppet Louis CK.

23. Dr. Phil

Dr. Phil
From Dr. Phil to an even creepier Dr. Phil.
Source:  /  via: s-t-3-v-i-e

24. Tom Selleck

Tom Selleck
From Tom Selleck to weird dad.
Source:  /  via:

25. Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln
From Abe Lincoln to Bill Nye.

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