Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Removing Unhappiness Sponges

"Anything disruptive to human happiness and well-being, anything that fastens itself adversely onto the human spirit, is removable."

I received an invitation to meet with my boss's boss's boss. There's no agenda to the meeting, it's labeled as a "touch base" meeting.

What's going on?

Uncertainty can breed anxiety, weakness, fear, anger, and so on. I'm no fan of it. It's my default reaction, one of those things that fastens itself to my spirit.

Fortunately, not for long.

I pondered what the best way to attack the meeting would be, rather than approaching it defensively.

I'll just approach it as if she were my own boss, provide results as if it were a normal 1-on-1. Stick to the script. Succeed through discipline. Turn uncertainty into certainty. Salve the spirit.

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