Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Face Of Trust

They say that the act of placing trust in someone or something is enough to release the substance oxytocin in the brain, creating pleasurable feelings.

To that end, some of us may have natural advantage over having pleased people around us. The following are also signs of a trustworthy face, according to surveys:

- Hair: Brunettes are regarded as more trustworthy than blondes.

- Complexion: Soft eyebrows, lack of facial hair, and a warm, bright complexion convey honesty.

- Eyes: Wide-set eyes are non-threatening.

- Mouth: A trustworthy face has a U-shaped mouth. Wearing an expression with a slight smile and eyebrows curved slightly upward conveys trustworthiness. Thin lips inspire trust.

- Jaw: Softer jawlines convey reliability more than sharper jawlines.

- Chin: Male faces with bigger chins are considered more trustworthy than those with smaller ones.

So there you have it. Armed with that information you can safely start breaking facial bones to transform your shape into a whole new, more trustworthy you!

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