Sunday, September 4, 2011

Bodybuilding By The Numbers

Picked up a few formulas for hitting a certain target weight from Men's Health magazine.

Pick a target weight, say, 160 pounds. Call that T.

Number of weekly hours of exercise. Let this be H. How about 3?

Then how many calories, C, do I need to maintain that weight?

T x (H + 11) = 160 x (3 + 11) = 2,240 a day.

How much of it should be composed of protein, fat and carbs?

Protein = T x 1.25 = 160 x 1.25 = 200 grams.

I checked the labels in the fridge and figured that I eat about 40 grams at dinner typically. So I can either eat 5 dinners... or find other sources. Drinking a quarter gallon of skim milk yields about 40 more. Surprisingly enough, whole grain bread can add up to another 40 or so. Snack on a bunch of almonds and it might add up to 20. The most obvious solution would be to plug in a protein-rich breakfast of some kind.

Okay, so a little deficient there. Fat intake? T/2 = 160/2 = 80 grams.

Carbs = [C - (P x 4) - (F x 9)] / 4 = [2,240 - (200x4) - (80x9)] / 4 = 180 grams.

Math and eating. I can imagine home ec classes across the country writing recipes in equations. Accountants accenting financial reports with succulent photos of roast duck. Hopefully it doesn't get too out of control.

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