Thursday, October 11, 2012

Abraham Lincoln Versus Zombies

I always seem to end up recommending that Hidden Bloggers go see movies that I saw. Well, here's one to miss.

This direct-to-Netflix horror movie popped up in my search results when I was looking for documentaries or other shows about Lincoln, my favorite president.

While Dena rolled her eyes (she had no intention of watching it, and held to that promise) I tried to explain to her that if Rambo were so awesome who was nothing but a killing machine, how much more awesome would Lincoln be since he was already a legend, about to unleash his badass side?


In the opening minute a young Abe cut off the head of a zombie.

Five minutes into the film, a zombie ate a soldier, and President Abe cut off his head with a sword.

Five minutes later, a zombie bit another soldier (this apparently turns them into zombies), so he shot the man in the head before he could be transformed. After cutting of the zombie's head with a scythe.

Honest Abe's voice sounded a little too much like Robert Duvall, I was hoping it would sound more like James Earl Jones or at least Tommy Lee Jones.

A minute later, I figured that I could predict the entire movie, and Duvall's dialogue somehow lacked the Oscar-winning eloquence I was hoping against hope would come from the Great Emancipator (or maybe the Great Decapitator, which is apparently the only way to kill a zombie).

Go ahead and skip this one. Once you've seen the cover of the movie, you've pretty much seen the best part.

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