Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Reevaluate Yourself

"Often our low status in life is not because our abilities are inferior, but because our opinion of ourselves is inferior. Reevaluate yourself."

One of the gradual lessons I learned in the workplace was not to confuse experience with intelligence.

When you're coming out of school, the odds naturally shift against you. In school, everyone in class generally begins in the same place as you, training is fully provided, and success is a matter of putting in some elbow grease and committing yourself to understanding.

Business was like being air-dropped from a plane into a one-mile Olympic practice group swim. The team captain is supposed to train you, but he's busy leading pack, though he does try to shout some instructions back in your direction. The swimmers nearby all hum through the water, smiling encouragingly, while you flail and kick with your natural athletic ability which doesn't seem nearly enough.

In swimming, technique makes a world of difference. In business, it's experience. Looking back, it's amazing how employees appear so much smarter just because they've been doing the job for a long time. It's important to remember that in anything - new job, new exercise, new relationship - that you will improve greatly in the coming months. Don't discourage yourself because of a slow start - patience and perseverance will catch you up to where you want to be.

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