Sunday, October 21, 2012

Downtime, Up Stocks, And Turkey-Girls: The Week In Thanks

Few things bring dreams to life like having a weekend where work is optional and freedom is ample. For Dena this was one of those weekends, maybe the first in a long time. No significant burdens of a major graphic design project, promotional bank event, or Kiwanis presidency duty. She had a goal of wrapping up her work by Friday and enjoying the next two days, and that's what happened. So around our house we puttered at cleaning some things, exercised, curled up on the couch and watched some winning Crimson Tide football. And the weather cooperated, promising a 70 degree Sun-day.

Speaking of sun, take heart fellow fans of our radioactive friend. In just two short months the days will start lengthening again.

I cleaned out a bunch of, not necessarily junk, but medium-value just-in-case stuff that I hadn't used in ages. Golf clubs, ties, books. Just occupying space and time gathering dust. I had a surge of motivation to inch closer to a spotless life, so I sifted through it all and mounded it up at the front door. Outside it was pouring rain deep into the night... I threw on some sandals and splashed down to the dumpster again and again, feeling this crazy sense of goofy freedom that brought back memories of being out in wild weather in college. Back in those days I remember playing tennis while funnel-shaped clouds whirled overhead in the increasingly green sky. Sometimes it's fun to just throw caution to the wind (or rain) and do whatever sounds fun.

I've learned to bask in those stretches of time when the winds of life are quiet. Work at the office has been steady and crisis-free for a couple weeks. Work at the library was unexpectedly slow due to several cancellations. Theater's done, basketball's a few weeks away. I've savored these evenings to just lie back and watch the baseball playoffs or basketball preseason.

I got several testimonials to add to my tutoring web site this week. And I even got a chance to use it as a business card, forwarding it on to someone who knew a high school boy in need.

Even though it's been no fun walking around with one ear plugged and a painful tooth, it's reinforced my gratitude for the availability of medical treatment in this country. In a few weeks I'll be better. What assurance could be more awesome?

Third-quarter financial results came out, and my mutual fund portfolio is up 16% for the year so far, a fortifying result after spending a lot of time the last few weeks trying to decide if I should leave it there or transfer it to another fund with more international risk and reward. But I decided to keep my money and faith in the power of the United States to pick itself up and rebound. This week gave a reason to chant "U.S.A.!"

I also came across enough information in my research this week to finally settle on Obama for my presidential vote. Government spending in terms of percentage increase was surprisingly no worse than under several of the prior recent presidencies. His position on some social issues is more in line with me. And he seemed to be more considerate in the debates (which I use as a proxy for foreign relations). It's just nice to have a conclusion.

The Cardinals are a win from the World Series, Notre Dame and Alabama continued their undefeated seasons, and the Bears had a week off to dwell in their blowout win.

Dena just regaled me with stories of zany dreams about energetically high-fiving blond boys with teeny hands, and talking headless turkey-girls. When even the sleeping mind is feeling playful, you can feel pretty good about your state of peacefulness. She's headed out for a crisp autumn morning run, I'm off to jam with the Catholic band, and we'll fire up for another blessed week ahead.

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