Saturday, January 5, 2008

Playing 9 to 5

"I wanted [the crew] to have as much fun from nine to five every day at work as they did every night from five to nine at home." -- Captain Abrashoff

A friend of mine is passionate about supporting our military troops through supply drives, Christmas packages, and homecoming parades. She also happens to be passionate about the environment, and recently suggested that our Coliseum downtown should recycle... currently thousands of bottles and cans generated each week go into the trash heap. Being an efficient sort, I replied:

"Good idea. Maybe you can combine your two passions. Does the military have a way of recycling pop cans into mortar shells? Even if the explosion was ineffective, the stickiness would be devastating."

I try to bring this kind of silliness into all aspects of life regularly. Sometimes it hits, sometimes it misses, but I like to think that it makes people comfortable around me. And at work, being approachable is one of the things I value the most in a boss.

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