Sunday, April 28, 2013

Taking Inventory: The Week In Thanks

Life's been good for a long stretch now, and I've been happy most of the time.

Still, I had this moment walking out of the office earlier this week when I felt unusually uplifted. It's hard to put a finger on quite what brought it on, but it's worth some reflection.

At the moment I have no major physical issues: the back and knees are behaving; my weight's where I like it to be; no cold/flu; the hardest part of capping a couple teeth is behind me.

Dena and I are having great times: took in a date night at the movies; about a half dozen daily kisses, hugs, and snuggles; some silly playful note-writing to each other; plenty of talk about our future.

Work has been satisfactory: keeping up with e-mail; a solid performance review; a dependable team; management that mostly leaves me alone; plenty of mentoring opportunities; tutoring has ramped up to levels that would allow me to retire from State Farm any day.

Family's in good shape: Jack and his girlfriend enjoying life on the beach; Mom's diabetes in remission, and sleeping well; Dad-in-law met his birth mother.

Vacation's on the way: a week in North Carolina in June; a week in California in October.

Theater's cruising along: opening night is less than two weeks away and rehearsals have been going well; the cast and staff have been fun company; several of us had lunch together last week.

Condo association is seeing more units starting to sell as the economy's been strengthening.

The church band did a great job last Sunday, and our harmonies were especially good.

Behind it all, there might just be an increasingly good filter developing in my mind against self-destructive behaviors. I dream more and fret less. Try to listen more and talk less. And maybe nothing is more important than the ability to let the bad little things go - and in reality almost every bad thing is little. Mistakes and burdens come and go, and the blessings are constantly there.

A promising week of 70+ temperatures ahead is a big help too!

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