Thursday, February 21, 2008

How to Lose 50 Pounds

While Jack and I were visiting Mom she sent us out for some ice-melting driveway salt. I ended up carrying the 50-pound bag back toward the car and, as competitors do, decided that I should try to outsprint Jack to the car. Not surprisingly he turned my 25-foot head start into a 50-foot deficit.

It got me wondering, what's the ongoing 50-pound bag in my life? That item that holds me back because I choose to carry it? At various times it could be frustration, or worry, a commitment, or something literal like the 2-3 bags I see so many people lug into the office each day.

We may not always have control, but we do always have choices. Whatever that 50-pound bag is holding us back from greater happiness, how about dropping it?

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