Thursday, November 6, 2008


"I learned early on that one of the secrets to campus leadership was the simplest thing of all: speak to people coming down the sidewalk before they speak to you. I did that in college. I did it when I carried my papers. I would always look ahead and speak to the person coming toward me. If I knew them, I would call them by name, but even if I didn't I would still speak to them. Before long, I probably knew more students than anybody in the university, and they recognized me and considered me their friend. I ran for every office that came along. I was elected president of the senior men's honor society, an officer in my fraternity, and president of the senior class." - Sam Walton

Though we can't control whether other people will consider us their friend, we can consider other people to be our friend, and planting that kind of seed gives the greatest chance for growing relationships.

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