Saturday, November 8, 2008

Mahler Or Mozart?

"In an early study, the researchers instructed participants to estimate the steepness of a hill in front of them. The researchers instructed participants to ware a heavy backpack. Under the increased physical load, people guessed that the hill was far steeper than the backpack-free participants had estimated.

In the next round of research, Proffitt and Clore took a new group of participants to the same hill, and played classical music composed by either the upbeat, bouncy Mozart or the despondent Mahler. This time, when the participants made their slope estimates, those who had been subjected to tot emotionally heavy Mahler pieces estimated the steepness of the hill at 31 degrees. Compare this with the estimate of 19 degrees made by those who were treated to the light, flute-filled Mozart compositions."


What's your Mahler - Political differences? Bad directions? Hideous fashion?

What's your Mozart - A warm meal? A good night's sleep? A fun game?

Which do you choose to listen to? Which do you allow to fill your head?

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