Sunday, March 8, 2009

What The Fungus?

I developed a mild case of athlete's foot a couple of weeks ago. "Getting there is half the fun" doesn't apply here - for a while I thought it was just dry winter skin and applied lotion to it, which of course creates perfect conditions for fungal growth.

Things started to turn around when I asked a skin care expert about it, and she pointed me to hydrocortisone (this was back when I thought it was dry skin). Before buying some, I decided to consult webMD about rashes, which is what diagnosed the athlete's foot. Further, it said that one thing to avoid putting on it is hydrocortisone. Crisis averted!

In recent months when these potentially discouraging things come along, fortunately my mind has looked past it. Armed with daily spray and powder, and routine changes of dressing, I was sure to win. By now, that vision's nearly come true.

Planning, discipline and patience eliminates irritation. That's true of a lot of things.

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