Sunday, April 5, 2009

Opening Day

The 2009 baseball season begins tonight at 7:00 CST.

Superficially the game has little meaning - one of 162 games that will be played by every major league team, featuring a pair of teams I'd prefer not to win the World Series (Braves and Phillies) and further, that has no direct impact on the Cubs' chances of making the playoffs.

But baseball, and Opening Day in particular, is about symbolism. Baseball's the only major American sport whose season is contained entirely within a single calendar year. It sprouts as the nation warms from its chilling winter slumber. It's played in fresh air and fair weather, with a long preseason that gives all fans a chance to dream, and in some cases, to start over. And lately I have been thinking of turning over a new page in some areas of my life, in more ways than Saturday's drafting of a satisfying fantasy baseball team. Such is nature - the portrait of continuous renewal, of fountains and wellsprings of enduring hope.

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