Sunday, April 19, 2009

Or Maybe That Was The Boy Scouts

"The Optimists Club has it right when they say, 'The future belongs to those who will prepare for it.'" - Les Brown

Preparation is starting to make a difference. My 14% body fat goal is more in sight than ever, as I've held that mark now for a solid week, the longest extended stretch I've enjoyed so far. Preparation has made the difference... for example anticipating an evening out and adjusting my eating habits for the rest of the day accordingly. Or doing the research to find a good balance of protein in the diet versus fat or carbs. Or infusing more fruits and vegetables. And of course, hitting the gym six days a week. As the body slows down, the mind has to pick up the slack to compensate.

Also at work this week I prepared for my supervisor a breakdown of workload our unit is currently experiencing, which was favorably received. I like to think that more teamwork is fostered by laying out the facts somewhat objectively, than by simply declaring that we are over or understaffed.

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