Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Fantasy Baseball 2010

I'm convinced that God created fantasy baseball specifically for Illinoisans to give them something to do between the Super Bowl and the spring thaw. With weather conditions hovering below the freezing mark nearly every day for a second straight winter, the blooming of fantasy magazines on February shelves warms the heart.

This year there is a glut of top-tier pitching talent in the major leagues, meaning that I'm less likely to draft them as early as I have in prior years since some good bargains can be had in the tail rounds.

Also, this year Jack and I will be trying to enter the same league. He's never played the game before, and it ought to be a fun family bonding experience to match up over the course of the summer. To accomplish this, I've actually created my own league and invited him to join it. Eventually I'd open it up to the world at large, such that random people could fill out the standings until we get the 12 teams customary.

Last week I cozied up in the La-Z-Boy with a trio of magazines and started evaluating statistics like Warren Buffett may do with his stock prospectuses. Soon comes the step of pre-draft ranking the players, hoping that I'll find an "underpriced" value out there who overperforms his peers. And in a couple months (April 4, to be exact) hopefully another dash from the starting gun to a repeat victory performance of recent years.

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