Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Simply Effective

"The most effective tool for influencing and leading can be summed up in one word: simplicity." - David Lieberman

"Leaders who impose elaborate strategies on people cause social reactions that undermine the structure of the organization because clever strategies strike a resonant chord in people and trigger their own cunning responses. i f leaders, instead, guide the organization with simplicity and directness, the inherent cleverness of the people will be disarmed." - Tao-te Ching

I get to wondering how much of the recent malaise of the country in these past several years could be soothed by an injection of good old-fashioned patriotism? Not the nation vs. nation kind, but the kind that feasts spiritually on the good fortune we have to be on this soil, in these times of unprecedented medical advancement, nutrition, technological productivity, and increasingly equal opportunity. Maybe someone just needs to step up and pen a few poems and songs about America, like they used to do when the nation was young. Or more recently, when Bruce Springsteen was young.

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