Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I'm Corny Collins

Final callbacks for Hairspray auditions were tonight at 8:00.

I stayed up until 1:00 in the morning learning what the heck the Corny Collins character's lines were. As it turns out, he has no dialogue - it's all singing and dancing. So my breakfast, lunch, and dinner were consumed watching, repeating and inventing dance moves to two YouTube videos over and over.

By the time I got to the theater I'd pretty much memorized the two numbers from the movie.

Right away they told us which song we'd be singing in our audition. Actually, just a fraction of one song. That helped.

Also, they had songbooks there with the words. So I didn't have to concentrate on memory. That helped too! I could focus entirely on musical accuracy and throwing myself into the character.

We broke camp by 10:00. They said that they'd start calling with offers tonight, starting with the largest roles.

I was spent, but happy. Clearly others auditioning for the part were able to read music and had acting experience. I'd given it my best, and was ready to accept any bit part that they might offer. I stood to gain a lot about acting and dancing just by being around a musical. I'd worked my tail off all day, given my best, was ready for whatever.

After an hour I'd heard nothing. They said that they'd be calling the major characters first and then work their way down. No call tonight would mean no part. I supposed that God may have meant for my reward to be simply having a solid audition.

At 11:00, my phone rang. Lo and behold, I was offered the Corny Collins role!

I gave an exuberant yes, then did a hug and happy dance with Dena. Called Jack on the West Coast.

Our first script read is tomorrow. First show is May 10. And away we go!


Anonymous said...

A step up from Dirty Dan. congratulations! Luv ya

freid207 said...

AWESOME! We will be there for your performance. Send details right away. I do believe I can sing along with all the "Hairspray" songs.