Monday, June 10, 2013

A High Note

I wouldn't mind living a life that can be measured by the number of lives touched. Looking back on an unremarkable insurance career, the sprinkles of inspiration that it may have provided give it a sweeter aftertaste.

"I'm sure you've heard it many times over by now from all of your former SF coworkers, but I can't thank you enough for being such a great manager, mentor, and friend. Thank you for your kindness, patience, and respect in our time together. I highly doubt that I will ever have the privilege of working under/with anyone like you again. You always find the silver lining in any situation; you always found time to help myself and others when it mattered most, even if that meant ridiculously long hours; and you focused on helping yourself and the people around you grow and improve, rather than just the immediate goals of the task at hand. I hope that I'll be able to lead by the example you've given to me some day.

I was reading your blog while writing this, and I was reminded of something that you said to me, that you admired my servant-like qualities. Looking back now, I realize that while you lead with confidence and skill, the opportunities you chose to pursue were not the ones that served you the best, but those around you. I think you've made the right choice, for both you and those around you. Keep being awesome, Joe!"

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