Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Coming Into Focus

"For all the time we spend working on our careers and talents - going to school, building a business, making money, training the body - it's ultimately your mental focus and concentration, your ability to control your environment and the heartbeats of others, that determines whether you succeed or fail." - Tim Grover

I try to leave "control" in God's hands, but am all on board with the value of mental concentration. Every once in a while I'll slip into a highly productive zone. It's a state worth achieving more often. Exercises such as reading, blogging, tutoring and coaching help out with that. The day is long and filled with possibility. I like to sit down with a pocket calendar in hand and scribble down a handful of things I definitely want to accomplish during the day; checklists keep me focused. It keeps life from sliding past without enjoyment.

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