Thursday, June 6, 2013

Top Ten-ish Lists

I'll be meeting with three people this week to help shape my future. With about an hour apiece to visit, it's a good idea to come prepared with questions that I think are most important.

With a prospective mentor for tutoring:

1. Do you get many requests for free consultations, and about how often do these turn into paying clients?

2. Who does your web hosting? Have you gotten feedback about any particular content of it?

3. Where did you post flyers at ISU? In what ways do you market? Do you have connections who are educators?

4. How often do you get group sessions? How often do people pre-pay?

5. What made you decide to manage a tutoring business in Arizona?

6. Do you provide incentives for testimonials?

7. About how many hours a week do you tutor during the school year?

8. Is your business officially registered? Steps?

With a basketball coach mentor:

1. Can I get onto the e-mail list for I-Club?

2. What are your favorite sources of hoops information? Grantland, ESPN, etc.

3. Is there any information would you like to get off last year's varsity game film?

4. What can I do better?

5. Do you have a book of favorite drills?

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