Thursday, August 8, 2013

3 Tips For Muscle

These were my favorite from a list in Men's Health Magazine:

1. Take a nap. "Napping reduces the stress hormone cortisol and promotes muscle-building growth hormone," says W. Christopher Winter. "Taking a nap, even for just 15 minuts, creates an environment in your body that builds muscle and burns fat." If you're surrounded by gentle, ambient noise (I like to think that an episode of Saturday Night Live is "ambient"), it can help you nod off faster.

2. Mobilize your legs. "If you don't take the time to work your hips, ankles, and glutes throughout the day, you'll be too tight to lift properly when you eventually hit the gym," says another source. To loosen up, squat until your glutes nearly touch your heels; grab the edge of your desk for balance if you need to. Hold that position for 45 seconds, and then stand back up. Repeat three times.

3. Kill the lights. Go to sleep now - and again at this time tomorrow night, and the night after that, and the night after that. Bed time consistency is crucial for weight control, say researchers in Japan. "And failing to sleep at least eight hours a night slows your metabolism and increases your hunger throughout the day," says Dr. Winter.

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