Wednesday, August 21, 2013

My Love Language

A popular concept presented to me by Gary Smalley talked about 5 "love languages" - those means of communicating love to others, or more accurately, those categories of gestures that mean the most to others when received.

When Dena and I went through the program, my top one was easily encouragement (others include gifts, physical touch, quality time, etc.). She speaks to me in many of these ways, but today I received some from another friend:
"Thanks for helping out – you are making a huge difference!!!"
And yesterday, from another:

"I strongly agree with you."

I suppose it's why I tend to give so much out myself - it's tremendously energizing to some, and in the spirit of the golden rule, I do unto others. Hopefully you find ways to share those languages with those who value them the most.

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