Sunday, November 24, 2013

I Regret Nothing

Economists call it the sunk-cost fallacy: We think the resources we've put into something should help determine whether we keep it going. This sets us up for major regret later. The only question that matters, is whether that next dollar should be spent elsewhere. - John Nofsinger, Ph.D.

I invested years and years (and dollars and dollars) into membership of a church. There was some regret when I left. I probably stayed too long. It was major inertia from a lifetime of assuming it was the right way to live. By now though, I'm more at peace than those days. And, I like to think, I learned something about myself and re-injected a new level of energy into my days by riding my strengths and natural tendencies.

The church taught me about finding my "calling." What is that for you? What gives you the fuel to go for ten, twelve hours and come away feeling like you could do more?

I have regrets. And these days, joy.

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