Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Buttoning Up

One of my weaknesses is foot-in-mouth syndrome. Overtalking. Sometimes it's boastful, sometimes it's woeful, either way it's look-at-me... and weak.

Today I was sorely tempted - actually maybe better to describe it as a rabid, persistent itch - to unload something off my mind about a disappointing situation. So I did... to Dena, and not the person to whom I was compelled to e-mail. It's wonderful to have a loving partner to vent frustration instead of festering it. And it's soothing to journal about the experience here as another balm.

Buttoning the lip (or in e-mail, buttoning the "send" button, one heck of a mixed metaphor) and finding a healthier release is a recipe for moving on to life's next play. None of us is inherently negative. Those moments are like a hiccup. It's good to have a private ear to absorb it, and move on.

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