Tuesday, September 30, 2014

2014 Goals Update

Exercise/Stretch 5+ Days a Week, Body Fat 14%

I'm to the point where pushing my limits in the weight room is causing no morning-after soreness; in other words, I'm back in the groove. Meanwhile my 3-mile runs have been easier as I fill the time reciting Dirty Rotten Scoundrel lines and lyrics. I do need to stretch more - I've been focusing on knee exercises but my back's starting to have that too-tight stiff feeling. The fat-o-meter's been in the 13-14% range.

Healthy Elbow and Knee

The elbow lets me know it's there after my workouts, but I have stretches to counteract it so the discomfort should be manageable. The knee complains in the morning but behaves reasonably well after I warm up. I think I can finally chalk the "teeth" goal off the list, as I did for the eyes earlier this year, it's the first time I'm down to two troublesome body parts and I still have a quarter left to work on them.

Tutor 800 Hours

September is ahead of last year's pace, with at least 20 students on my roster. Summer was so calm that it's looking unlikely that 800 will be reached unless I work my way up to 40 hours a week, which isn't a great interest of mine. However, it would keep this number as a good goal for next year.

Blog Thanks Weekly

Four straight months of perfect attendance on this goal!

Volunteer For A New Organization

I didn't make a move on this this month. I should be able to hit this one.
Clean House

I got quotes on security lighting for our condominium association's carports, and a proof demonstration of our new street signage.The driveway project is on hold until the carports are finished.

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