Sunday, August 26, 2007

Suit to Kill

I was just about to file this lawsuit myself. If I'd have known it'd make national headlines I'd have acted faster. Sigh...

From USA Today's Sports Weekly magazine:

The federal inmate who sued Michale Vick for $63 quadrillion had his lawsuit thrown out of court. So Jonathan Lee Riches filed another one, this time against Barry Bonds, Bud Selig and "Hank Aaron's bat."

Riches' charges include "bat assault," major fraud, skimming the books, illegal moonshine, treason, talking, identity theft, illegal electronic wiretapping and bad debt.

He asked for "42,000,000.00 million dollars in swiss francs" from the defendants and alleges that "Mr. Selig on two occations (sic)... met Mr. Bonds at the I-70 Steak N Shake, Booth #11" to trade cash for steroids. Riches claims to have tapes made from a bug "planted in Booth #10, copies of which are now in the hands of Robert Novak and Judith Miller."

He further alleges that Bonds used Aaron's bat to crack the Liberty Bell and "on June 22,2004, benched (sic) pressed me against my will to show off in front of his Ballpark Buddies.

"I also witnessed Mr. Bonds selling steroids to nuns," Riches writes in his handwritten suit, which goes on for 10 counts, including a charge that Bonds send mustard gas to Saddam Hussein as part of "the oil for food scandal."

The full document can be found at The Smoking Gun (

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