Sunday, August 12, 2007

Who Do You Love (And Why, And So What)?

As part of an ongoing home construction saga, these days I'm showering at the health club. Some great intellectual flashes have struck me in the shower through the years. Today though, I got myself all confused thinking about homosexuality.

Is homosexuality a choice or a characteristic?

If it's a choice, it's a disadvantageous one. The challenges faced by homosexuals are widely known. At the least, they have fewer legal rights than their heterosexual kin. At the most, they are called evil and treated accordingly.

If it's a choice for most, it's not for me. Or have I been coached by a heterosexual upbringing, programmed by society to be attracted only to females?

Does it matter if homosexuality is a choice or a characteristic?

Children raised by homosexuals may lack certain elements of a parental relationship. Is there evidence of much difference from the children of heterosexuals?

Some sexually transmitted diseases are more common among homosexuals, but is this a problem of sexuality more so than a problem of honesty?

Homosexuality, if a choice and if universal, would extinguish the human race. Is this harmful in and of itself?

Sexual attraction and intercourse between two people of the same gender is a human minority, as far as I can tell. Differences from the norm present challenges in society naturally (ask any left-hander or member of an independent political party). What kind of America would it be if we went out of our way to give extra portions of accommodation rather than discomfort?

By this time I'd lathered, rinsed, and repeated enough to earn a commission from Pert. The tile think tank had done enough for one day!

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