Sunday, November 11, 2007

A Statement of Faith

Monday and Tuesday are busy days ahead at work! I face at least four deadlines, one of which seems impossible to complete in the way that I would consider ideal. The others are large enough that in order to complete them, I may need to sacrifice other activities. The prospect of sub-par performance is stressful. Mr. Positivity is on the verge of defection!

I don't speak often of God in these pages, but my personal impression of God is the creator of life and the universe, not only as we understand it, but also as we don't understand it. That means that faith for me includes believing that things will be good even if I don't understand how. And as a personal journey, my life is so rich that even its lowest moments demand little true sacrifice, far less than those who have died for my freedom.

So although tomorrow is cloudy, there's no reason to fear. God understands what I do not, and sees what I do not. And together we'll pass safely to the other side.

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