Monday, November 5, 2007

Teddy Do-Right

Late in the afternoon of February 25, 1898, while serving as assistant secretary of the navy, the secretary took a day off while remaining in Washington. Technically, that established Roosevelt as the acting secretary for the day. He took the occasion to issue a series of orders late in the day which edged the U.S. closer to war with Spain. The most significant was a cable to one of the commanders that he should prepare his ships for operations against the Spanish fleet in the Philippines in the event of a declaration of war.

One on hand, I think that this probably compromised trust/teamwork and wouldn't advise it. Still, a valid point is that

"I may not be supported, but I have done what I know to be right; some day they will understand."

The popular newspaper New York Sun recognized as much: "This man Roosevelt seems to do about what he thinks is right and doesn't care a rap for the consequences. He must be all right."

I'm convinced that we live a longer, more peaceful life when our unbending principle is to act upon those things that we believe are right.

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