Monday, February 6, 2012

So Many Things Nuts Can Do: The Week In Thanks

Here's a quick-hitter list of little things that made the gratefulness list this week.

My niece Kelsey scored a career-high 22 points on senior night as her Eureka Hornets continued atop the Corn Belt conference with a convincing hoops win over Olympia.

Our point guard Callen Boddie scored a career-high 25 points on the road against state-ranked O'Fallon as the Normal Community Ironmen capped a convincing week of three road wins to reach the top of the Big 12 conference.

The green sippy cup that my eyes fell upon in my bedroom this week. Dena got it for me because she'd noticed that as much as I like to drink water at home, I tended to drink it from old plastic water bottles prone to becoming misshapen and tipping over. A spill-proof cup with a straw does just the trick. She got it months ago actually. But my home's filled with reminders like this of how thoughtful she is.

Almonds. They are a great source of protein, omega-3, are snacky and salty and portable. I eat them all the time now. I was sold on them by Tyson, and Men's Health magazine (both of which also go on the thankfulness list). While I was typing the last paragraph, I bit into one in just the wrong way such that the pointy end jabbed way up into the roof of my mouth and made me bleed. I still like them. And it reminds me how thankful I am that the human body heals so quickly. And that I'm generally in good dental health.

A new client was referred to me for tutoring by one of my old clients. What beats word-of-mouth when starting a new business?

The Big Bang Theory. Amy referred the comedy show to me. I just despised it the first time I watched it. And the second. Pretty much the third too. Now I've watched about every episode. I'm thankful for Amy, and for DVR, and for the strange human condition that allows someone to fall in love with something after being around it long enough.

Bible Study Fellowship. Dena attends this weekly. It helps satisfy a deep need to be more in tune with Christian scriptures. It's just one more sign of how loyal she is to the principles that she was raised on. Which, in turn, explains why she must still be so committed to me despite all she's learned about me through more than 16 years. For that, I'm thankful to Mom and Dad F.

Spell check. How did Abe Lincoln write his speeches without it? Somewhere on the ash heap of history is a mountain of ink-splotched, crumpled parchment balls fired frustratingly into the corner of an old log cabin.

The fact that I could go on for paragraphs and paragraphs more, that I have plenty of days left to do so, and that there are hundreds of people out there who read them, for reasons that God only knows but that - yep - I'm thankful for.

Count your blessings this week friends!

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