Wednesday, June 20, 2012

God Moment Of The Week

For the most part I've immunized myself from thinking about work when I'm not at work - what does it really lead to but worry?

But this weekend I admit to stewing a bit about a situation. Management pressure had led me to agree late on Friday to do a task for a certain customer the following week that we'd justifiably refused to do for all other customers. The inherent discrimination of it ate at me.

Then, as fortunately often happens as I grow older, I caught myself embroiled in this wasteful emotion. The benefit of living long enough has also taught me that things have a way of working themselves out for the best.

On Monday I walked in to the office and learned, first thing, that the customer had decided that he didn't want the task done after all.

So glad to credit God with righting the situation, and thankful for having decided to enjoy the rest of a wonderful weekend rather than letting it slip harriedly by, never to be seen again!

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