Sunday, July 8, 2012

Good To The Last Bite

In a recent experiment, test subjects were handed five pieces of different types of chocolate in random order. Prior to receiving each piece, the subject was told "This is the next one." The exception was for the final piece eaten, "This is the last one." Afterward the subjects were asked which piece was their favorite. Regardless of flavor, the "last" one was ranked as the favorite 64% of the time.

The implication is that we tend to enjoy something more if we believe it's the last time.

This weekend, the last of Dena's siblings was married - brother Kurt is the 7th of 7. It was also the last time that we'll see her brother Darren, Jane and the kids before they begin their missionary life in Texas.

How would you feel if tomorrow was the last day of your job? Of your friendship? Of your life? Would you behave any differently? Would it be a better day?

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