Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World

Dena and I caught this movie with a fresh twist on the end-of-the-world story.

An asteroid is headed unstoppably for earth (okay, so not everything is fresh here), giving humanity a few weeks to live. The early scenes are laced with light comedy as Steve Carrell's wife sprints out of the car and leaves him, and the insurance company that he works for asks if anyone wants to be CFO.

The comedy is window dressing on the grim reality (occasionally made stark, such as by a jumper off of a roof top) in the background, then ultimately gives way to a story about Carrell pursuing his long lost love that he'd let get away years ago.

He makes the trip with his apartment neighbor Kiera Knightly, and through a series of misadventures finally gets the girl. But which one? Check it out and see...

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