Saturday, September 1, 2012

Happiness Promise #1: The Talk

With theater season rolling further into the past, I'm starting to turn thoughts toward basketball season. There are few better ways to fire up the engines for me than to read the philosophy of the late legend John Wooden. An article on Wooden described nine promises that can bring happiness.

The first:

"Promise yourself that you will talk health, happiness, and prosperity as often as possible."

It squares up well with my 2012 resolution to give thanks regularly.

I've got a body sound enough to run and lift weights. No allergies or medications. Four working limbs and a full head of hair. Healthy eyes, skin and teeth. Digestive and nervous systems in check. Sure there are aches, pains and shortcomings. But there's nothing to do but celebrate each morning when you open your eyes with the strength to get out of bed and do just about anything.

Prosperity is in the eye of the beholder, but I feel like I've got it. My boss is satisfied with my work, I have the privilege of being supported by more than twenty talented people. I have outlets for teaching, coaching, singing, acting, writing and other creative passions. Besides being the nicest person I know, Dena is as supportive as a friend can be, and we still find things to giggle about every week if not every day.

Happiness? When dealt a hand like this, it would be lunacy to feel any other way. Sometimes that lunatic in me still emerges, but as long as I seek the wise counsel of Wooden and the company of good friends, it's nearly impossible to fail.

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