Friday, September 28, 2012

Trouble With The Curve

Dena made yet another good call in getting us out to see the trendy baseball flick.

Clint Eastwood plays a crusty scout for the Atlanta Braves with a sensitive center. He lost his wife years ago, gave his daughter (Amy Adams) away shortly thereafter, and now is losing his eyesight. Will he lose his job?

The hipster tech-savvy scout thinks its time to put him out to pasture, and sells management on the idea despite the protests of the scouting director (John Goodman).

Meanwhile, Adams learns of her father's failing health and risks her job as a high-powered rising attorney to accompany him down the dusty roads and fields of North Carolina to track a can't-miss high school prospect.

Also on the trail is Justin Timberlake, a former player scouted by Eastwood and now a Boston Red Sox scout. The three stars struggle to develop relationships and overcome demons of the past against a folksy-comic foreground of the big question: Can the big guy hit the curve ball or not?

Even as a sports movie fan, I was pleasantly surprised with the ending. Grab a date and hit the seats this weekend if you can!

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